
Showing posts from December, 2020

Shonen Heroes Should Consider Not Having Children

  The idea of being a Shonen hero might sound very appealing. You get to have superpowers, and you help others all the time; what can be better than that? Well, it turns out that grass always looks greener on the other side. Being a Shonen hero can be a challenging thing to do. Balancing the responsibilities of a family and protecting the world is as daunting as it sounds. The duality of family and public life almost always is troubling, as it ultimately puts a strain on personal relationships. The dedication to fight the evil and keep villains at bay most of the time comes in the way of parenthood. The absence of proper supervision and guidance has a detrimental impact on the hero’s offspring. So, maybe Shonen heroes should not have kids in the first place to focus on their duties and responsibilities, which are too great to bear in themselves. The lifestyle of a typical Hero is too overwhelming; there is a long and tiresome journey to achieve greatness, harsh training, and the pressu

Maria Bakalova Was Given A Huge Digital Monologue for Borat 2

  Actress of Borat 2, Maria Bakalova, was given several pages long graphic monologue by the film’s writer. Filmmaker Jason Woliner’s Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is a mockumentary comedy movie written by wight writers including Peter Baynham, Jena Friedman, Sacha Baron Cohen, Lee Kern, Dan Swimer, Anthony Hines, Dan Mazer, and Erica Rivinoja. The film is a controversial movie that stars Cohen as a fictional TV personality and Kazakhstani journalist, Borat Sagdiyev. And Bakalova as Borat’s teenage daughter Tutar. The movie revolves around these two father-daughter characters where Borat offered his daughter Tutar as a bride to Mike Pence (Vice President) during a press meet and presidential election 2020. Most of the film is unscripted and includes real-life interaction with Americans who think Borat is a foreigner with no understanding of American culture. The first film of the franchise was released in 2006, and it did fantastic at the box office. Borat collected a gross of $262 million

Director Vaughn Said, Seven Kingsman Films Are Under Production

  Director Matthew Vaughn and Marv Group shared that there are a total of seven projects under work in the Kingsman franchise. The upcoming movie is a prequel to the third film in the movie franchise. It is loosely based on the comic book series Kingsman created by Mark Miller and Dave Gibbons. The film star Gemma Arterton, Rhys Ifans, Ralph Fiennes, Tom Hollander, Matthew Goode, Charles Dance, Harris Dickinson, and Daniel Brühl. Kingsman was initially scheduled for September 2020 release, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was rescheduled on 12 February 2021. The franchise released two movies earlier, Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service in 2014 and sequel, Kingsman: The Golden Circle in 2017. Both the movies did an amazing performance at the box office. The original movie collected a gross of $414.4 million against a budget of $94 million. It received positive reviews for the acting performance, score, action sequences, and dark humor. The Secret Service got an approval

How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error Code 0xc1900204?

  The Windows 10 operating system is the most popular desktop OS in the world. It gives you regular updates to improve your experience and fix bugs. But while trying to install the updates, users may face 0xc1900204 error code on their Windows 10 system. Thankfully, this error can be easily fixed. If you want to know how you can fix this error, then read on.. Tweak the Registry to Solve the Error Hit the Windows and R combination over the keyboard to launch the Run prompt. Afterward, type ‘regedit’ in it and select the OK button to invoke the Registry Editor. Then go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion” and click on it. After that, check the ‘ProgramFilesDir’ option and then right-click on the value. Now, modify the paths to the different folders. Pick the folder where you would like to install the programs. After that, save the changes by hitting the OK button. Finally, reboot the system to apply the changes. Run the Troubleshooter Press the Windows bu

5 Instances “The Punisher” Crossed the Line

  Are you also a fan of Marvel’s character “Punisher”? No, we are not only talking about Jon Bernthal’s iteration at Netflix but the character in general. There are instances in comics when his actions can be considered a tad too much even by his standards. Yes, there are moments in the comics where Frank Castle went a little too far. Take all the heroes ever written by anyone in the entire world, and none would be as ferocious, brutal, and trained as Frank Castle aka the Punisher. “How can one man be capable of such violence?” Vincent D’Onofrio had said in Season 2 of Daredevil. He is certainly a man who likes to end things. There are no half measures. He does not leave someone with the room to crawl back and haunt him. Once you are on The Punisher’s radar, your days are counted. If there is one thing he teaches us, however distorted, is that there is no justice if you do not clench your fist to take it. In a Marvel universe where there are a lot of people with the high moral ground,

Kenneth Branagh’s Star Powered “Murder on the Orient Express” Sequel

  Kenneth Branagh will appear again on the big screen as Agatha Christie’s famous detective Hercule Poirot. The name of the sequel is “Death on the Nile.” Branagh will also direct the movie, and he is in the mood to build further in the Hercule Poirot cinematic universe.  The trailer is already out on YouTube. Academy Award Nominee Kenneth Branagh will return as director for another thriller based on Agatha Christie novel following up on the star-studded prequel “Murder on the Orient Express.” The prequel came out in 2017 and was well received by the critics as well as the audience at the box office. The cast who have signed up for this film includes talents from both British and American cinema, and the film is expected to be another edge-of-seats whodunit thriller. Branagh has employed Michael Green once again. Green, who holds the pedigree for writing the screenplay for the prequel, has written the screenplay for “Death on the Nile” as well. It is a 20th Century Studios film, the tr

5 Comic Facts About The Relationship Between Vision and Wanda

  Are you also waiting for WandaVision? Here are five comic book facts about their relationship to further hype you up.Before WandaVision comes on screen and introduces us to their own version of their relationship, you should know about the things that have already happened with them in the comics. Among humans, robots, and aliens, there is a relationship that has endured it all in the Marvel comic universe. Yes, I am talking about a relationship between an AI turned ethereal being and a witch. Wanda and Vision have seen all together- ups, downs, and an eventual end. Wanda and Vision relationship can be best described using a conventional soap opera’s on-again and off again analogy. So, before you dive deep into the Disney+ series, it will be a wise decision to get yourself in tune with the major events that have already been seen in the comics. You might never know what might have already inspired the upcoming series. So, here we go! Their Abode Was Torched Down When Captain America