Three Different Ways to Back-up Your PC

 Backing up your data is one of the most crucial tasks to secure your data from unforeseen events. Backing up your data from your PC is not a requirement, but a necessity. Your hard drive can fail anytime, or a system bug can delete your important files. To avoid any such loss, backing up is an ideal option to secure your data.

In this article, we will mention three ways by which you can back up your important data:

External Drive

Backing up your data in an external drive is an ideal option to secure your data. All you need to do is connect the external drive to your computer and use the back-up tool to transfer your data. Another way to backup your file via external drive is by connecting the external drive and leaving it plugged in, and it will automatically start backing-up your data. One of the major benefits of using an external hard drive is that it is economical and fast.

Back-up over the internet

Saving your data on an external drive is very economical, but it is also exposed to other threats like theft and internal damage. To solve this problem, you can back-up your data on the internet using back-up services like BackBlaze, CrashPlan, or Carbonite. These services charge you a reasonable amount and run in your PC background and back-up your data on their web store. In case of any mishappening, you can quickly restore your lost data from their web servers. The primary benefit of backing up your data on the internet is that it is not susceptible to theft or natural disaster.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is one of the most preferred ways to store and back-up your data. You can choose any cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or more. If you do not want to spend any money on backing- up your data, then cloud storage is an ideal option. The cloud storage automatically syncs to your online account and back-up your files. Cloud storage is fast and an easy way to back-up your data. Most cloud storage offers limited space to back-up your files, so if you need more space, you can buy their paid plans as per your requirements.

Make sure you back-up your data by using multiple methods as one back-up is not enough. You should go for at least two back-ups; onsite and offsite. Onsite back-up means your information is stored at a physical location, so if you are backing up your data in an external hard drive, that will be called an onsite back-up. Offsite back-ups mean when your data is stored at some other location like cloud storage or on web servers of back-up services, it will be called an offsite back-up. These two ways can help you make a solid and reliable back-up strategy and prevent you from losing your data.

You can also automate your back-up process by using various automated tools. Instead of backing up your data manually, you can automate the process by setting it once and then forget it. If you are comfortable with spending money on back-up services, you can go for various back-up services options, but if you prefer not to spend any money, you can opt for cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. The second back-up can save your data in case you lose your first back-up.


Backing up your data via multiple methods is a better strategy than relying on a single back-up plan. With the options mentioned above, you can easily choose your back-up method.

John Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity and utility software programs. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.



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